This is my first post with Octopress (a framework designed by Brandon Mathis for Jekyll, the blog aware static site generator powering Github Pages). Now I’m gonna look around to find out how it work’s and if I cand use it as a tool to store useful information an knowledge about hacking.
Code Snippets
First of all: it is possible to include code snippets in posts, in several ways, and for many languages. For example, a snippet for ruby, using backticks (used by github):
``` [language] [title] [url] [link text]
code snippet
1 2 3 |
Without Highlighting
For code, that does not need to be higlighted (e.g. for shell commands) one can use four spaces in front of the snippet:
One can also use liquid for code snippets. This has the ability to disable tag processing in order to add liquid examples.
1 2 3 4 5 |
Links can be added by using [link text](url)
Ok, now, in order to post Octopress provides a rake command:
$ rake new_post["title"]
This create a new file with right naming convention and puts the filename, so it can be opened with a text editor. I only whished I could set an editor which is fired automatically with the new file…
One can also create pages:
$ rake new_page["page title"]
# creates /source/page-title/index.markdown
$ rake new_page[xyz/page.html]
# creates /source/xyz/page.html
But I am not shure, how those pages my be accessible. Possibly one is expected to add an link to them somewhere.
Changes can be inspected before deplying with:
$ rake generate
$ rake watch # Watches source/ and sass/ for changes and regenerates
$ rake preview # Watches, and mounts a webserver
Visit webserver at http://localhost:4000 to see changes.
If new posts are ready the blog can be newly generated and deployed:
$ rake generate
$ rake deploy